Contemporary Art Magazine
Autorizzazione Tribunale di Roma
n.630/99 del 24 Dicembre 1999

Una visione un po’ differente

Roma, 10 giugno – 8 luglio 2022

Curator Cristina Madini

Via Raffaele Cadorna 28
00187 Roma Italia

In mostra: Kimberly Adamis, Chadwick Arcinue, Brian Avadka Colez, Flavia Basiloni, Cristina Barr, Jonathan Berkh, Erin Bird-Johansson, Glenys Buzza, Carol Anne, Eliana Carvidón, Laura Casini, Nathanael Cox, Savas Deli, Joel Douek, Johanna Elbe, Hiroaki Furukama, Cheryle G. Galloway, Paul Hallinan, Susumu Hasegawa, Tondi Hasibuan, Akane Hiraoka, Sophie Hoath, Wioletta Jaskólska, JUSToh, Monika Katterwe, Alice Daeun Kim, Nora Komoroczki, Chikara Komura, Anya Lauchlan, Fiona Livingstone, Aurora Noir, Miguel Marin Ordenes, Anna Papadopoulou, Sal Ponce Enrile, Aina Putnina, Maria Regina Ruiz, Valeria Secret, Nataša Segulin, Belinha Silva, Luana Stebule, Christophe Szkudlarek, Taka & Megu, Angela Thouless, Lauren Tilley, Kari Veastad

Realismo e astrattismo caratterizzano le opere degli artisti di tutto il mondo che si confrontano con le tradizioni della figurazione e dell’astrazione. Queste diverse esperienze nelle arti hanno formato una narrativa coesa che incapsula visivamente gli spettatori per raccontare le storie personali dei loro autori. Gli stili stratificati delle cronache delle opere esposte presentano prospettive fresche e contemporanee su idee universali.

La mostra si svolgerà dal 10 giugno al 8 luglio, con ricevimento di inaugurazione esteso dalle 12 alle 17 con ingresso libero.
Le opere in mostra provengono da: Europe, UK, USA, Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, Australia, China, Center and South America, Canada

Realism and abstract features artists from around the world who contend with the traditions of figuration and abstraction. These diverse experiences in the arts have formed a cohesive narrative which visually encapsulates viewers to tell the artists’ personal stories. The layered styles of the exhibited works chronicles present fresh, contemporary perspectives on universal ideas.
The exhibition will run from June 10th to July 8th, with an opening reception on Monday, from 12am – to 5pm.
The artworks come from: Europe, UK, USA, Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, Australia, China, Center and South America, Canada

img: ¿ Qué ves cuando me ves? acrylic and charcoal on canvas cm 118 x 89 by Christina Barr (France)

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Just like the intense shade of red it takes its name from, Rossocinabro represents an extraordinary passion for art. Thanks to the guidance of its director Cristina Madini, over the years Rossocinabro has become a flower – albeit still somewhat niche – in the direct vicinity of the beautiful Villa Borghese. Opened in 2009, Rossocinabro is committed to making art accessible. The gallery has organised over 250 exhibitions from solo shows of interesting artists from abroad to collective exhibitions of up-and-coming local creatives.

Numero Corrente

Libero pensiero

1 Marzo 2024


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Una visione un po’ differente