Contemporary Art Magazine
Autorizzazione Tribunale di Roma
n.630/99 del 24 Dicembre 1999

When boys become Men

Debut Contemporary is proud to present ‘Human Suffering at Times of Crisis Part II – When Boys Become Men’ exhibition, hosting the VIP Private View on 3rd December 2014, 7.30-9.30 pm at Debut Contemporary gallery, where art has the main role in raising awareness and funding for Harrison’s Fund.

The exhibition is curated by well-known British artist Barry Martin and Samir Ceric, founder and CEO of Debut Contemporary, with co-curation by Klara Taussig-Cecmanova
With 30 artists taking part in the show, including Sassan Behnam Bakhtiar,Michelle Hold, Lucy Namayanja, Crystal Fischetti,Marina Ard ,Annie Terazzo, Ella Prakash, Hector Sandoval. It has become Debut Contemporary and Debut Artists mission to help Klara and the Harrison’s Fund.Barry Martin, renowned artist and the curator of the exhibition, commented “The exhibition focuses on the young amongst us, who for many reasons don’t make it into adulthood. It is a continuing tragedy that manifests itself at all levels of society in all parts of the world, and is without borders. Wars, diseases, afflictions, all take their toll of young and old, and in many cases can be avoided with preventive measures, good will amongst all men, and research into finding a cure for near fatal and fatal diseases. The passing over of the young and defenceless is particularly poignant, and doubly distressing, since we as adults feel that guilt, and question, could we have done more with the means at our disposal to have prevented this tragic, global and continuing state of affairs?
Michelle Hold,german artist living in Italy contributes with 2 pieces: “Dancing in the light ” and ” Show me the way”, both caring hope for a better future. Michelle’s research continues to go into colour and light, as they shape our world in profound and sometimes subtle ways. She wants to inspire, to celebrate life, aiming to expand our awareness of colour and by doing so, lift our lives by pleasing the eye and soul.’’

Michelle Hold

Michelle Hold, nata a Monaco di Baviera vive e lavora in Italia. E’ cresciuta a Innsbruck (Austria) dove ha iniziato a studiare architettura. Si forma come artista e disegnatrice di tessuti in diversi corsi a Parigi, New York, Hong Kong, Monaco e Londra. Dopo una carriera internazionale come modella e come imprenditrice nel settore della ristorazione(un ristorante a Hong Kong), da 7 anni si dedica alla sua passione l’Arte. Ha esposto internazionalmente; dal 2014 studia con un innovativo “Art-Incubator” a Londra. Ideatrice di , ARTMOLETO,un gruppo di artisti internazionali con forti legami con le terre del Monferrato che in collaborazione all’Ecomuseo della Pietra da Cantoni di Cellamonte

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